Ariadna García Llorente

22 Dec 2022

Autofiction on the analytics of mourning, for the goodbye issue of Stillpoint Magazine, TAKE CARE.

02 Feb 2020

"Ausencia de Francia, melancolía de Argelia" and "Absència de França, malenconia d'Algèria."

Review in Spanish and Catalan of the book "The Art of Losing" by Alize Zeniter for the print supplement Cultura/s, nº 919.

15 Dec 2019

"Los hijos y las redes" and "Els fills i les xarxes."

Review in Spanish and Catalan of the book "Del Padre al iPad" by José Ramón Ubieto (ed.), Ramón Almirall, Fina Borràs, Lidia Ramírez y Francesc Vilà for the print supplement Cultura/s, nº 912.

24 Nov 2019

"El crítico intempestivo" and "El crític intempestiu."

Review in Spanish and Catalan of the book "¡Me cago en Godard!" by Pedro Vallín for the print supplement Cultura/s, nº 909.

'POV: you are writing a piece of speculative fiction about what you'd say in ten years about the loss you are experiencing now'
22 Dec 2022
Stillpoint Magazine

Autofiction on the analytics of mourning, for the goodbye issue of Stillpoint Magazine, TAKE CARE.

Coping with a new loss, we are probably all tempted to think of our process as a journey through the “five stages of grief”—denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance, in no particular order. A kind of all-too-accessible discourse that imposes itself on us in times of uncertainty and to which we cling in bad faith or mauvais foi, as Sartre described the inauthenticity of those who evade the responsibility of understanding themselves. We stop asking questions when we hold on to explanations based on clichés and platitudes to quickly relieve our anxiety. Questions like: what do we really lose when we lose something we love?


Read the full text here.